Saturday, June 26, 2010

This is Love

So in my devotions lately I've been reading in the book of John. I was reading right before Christ was arrested to go to trial and then be crucified, and it was when Christ was praying in the garden. It talks about in a part of the passage that... He was praying for those that were going to become believers in Him... not just right after His death and resurrection, but believers until the end of the earth's days... including all of the believers now... including me and you if you have accepted Him as your personal Savior. It's so amazing that... not only did He pray for believers in general, but He prayed for every single one of us... because He loves us and wants us to be strong... strong in Him and to keep a relationship with Him. It just hit me as I was reading... that not only was He praying... but He prayed to His Father... our Heavenly Father. Christ was there with God at the creation of all things... because He is God. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God..." He prayed to the Heavenly Father for us because He loves us so much and wants us to live for Him... Christ loves us so much. I wonder why the God of everything in the universe would love a wretched sinner like I am, that He would send His only Son to die for me so I wouldn't have to spend eternity in Hell, but instead we can spend eternity with Him in Heaven.

This really is Love.

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